STEM Leaders Talk

On October 4, 2024, our research consultant, Rifqi Rachman, participated as one of the speakers at the STEM Leaders Talk titled “AI Generated Content during the Forthcoming Indonesian Elections: Developing Smart and Responsible Actions.” This event was a collaboration between Safer Internet Lab, the School of STEM at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, and Griffith University. He joined the discussion with Prof. Ernest Foo from the School of Information and Communication Technology at Griffith University, Australia, and Permata Nur M.R., Ph.D., a faculty member of the Digital Business Technology Department at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, moderated by Stevanus Wisnu Wijaya, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Digital Business Technology Undergraduate Program and Dean of the School of STEM at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.

On this occasion, Rifqi discussed the intersection between the rapid development of generative AI and electoral dynamics. He began by understanding the root problems from both the demand side (how people are vulnerable to disinformation) and the supply side (how generative AI is utilized) to introduce the hybrid co-regulatory model as the ideal multi-stakeholder coordination for governing the digital sphere. Rifqi also highlighted that when open competition, like elections, intersects with the open market nature of generative AI development, essential preconditions are required to ensure the fair and secure use of the technology, safeguarding citizens’ rights.


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